Saturday, December 26, 2009

Can i mix my shampoo and conditioner?

So i have lots of diff shampoos and conditioners i like to use becasue they all do something different..But i hate having like three diff shampoo and conditioner bottles plus its takes forever to wash my hair..I was wondering can i get like one big bottle and mix my shampoos into one and conditioners into another?..or will it change the way the way they work?Can i mix my shampoo and conditioner?
No... You don't want to mix them. The chemical make up of the shampoo is what makes it the type of shampoo it is. You mix it and they are likely to counteract each other and do nothing for you. Instead, maybe try just using them one at a time. Use one shampoo one day (or week), then another the next day (or week), then another. Then start back over. It's always good to mix things up, but you shouldn't be shampooing your hair 3 times in one day anyways. That's not good for your hair. Plus changing up the shampoo you are using will keep your hair fresh. If your hair gets used to one shampoo it will become dull and lifeless.Can i mix my shampoo and conditioner?
You really don't need to wash your hair that many times a day. You're not helping it by overloading it with so many products. My suggestion is to choose the best overall shampoo and conditioner for your hair, and stick to one product at a time. You don't even need to wash your hair every day if your hair isn't too oily.
I would say it would change the way they work... but it wouldn't hurt to try. I would start off mixing just a little bit in a small bottle, leaving it in there for a few days to see what the basic reaction of it would be, and then if its OK, try to use it and see what happens to your hair. You might not get the full effect of them though, they might dilute eachother out.
I wouldn't mix any. I would never suggest it.

Chemicals used are different.

Best to put at least 1 set in storage..Do that with the latest addition. Check the date.

Use 1 set for a month and change for the next. That way, finish 2 sets.

It is always good to use products of one company at one time.
? You never mentioned washing your hair 3 times a day,where are they getting that from? I tried that,it either makes your shampoo not lather up,or you get no condition benefit.It's too hard to get the balance right.How about one of those 2 in 1 products out there?
No. Dont mix it. Use shampo first and wash well. Then apply conditioner. You dont have to wash thouroughly. Let some conditioner remain in your hair.
It would change they way they work the shampoo would wash out all the other stuff that's it's job therefore your hair would not be conditioned
Yeah. What Kimmeh said.
Kelly C is right. One of my science teachers told me that. :)

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