Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have thin hair that tends to get oily. What 2in1 shampoo/conditioner should I use?

I normally use separate but when in a rush I don't have time to use separates!I have thin hair that tends to get oily. What 2in1 shampoo/conditioner should I use?
Use garnier (sp?) Or Pantene!I have thin hair that tends to get oily. What 2in1 shampoo/conditioner should I use?
Just start washing your hair with shampoo. Conditioner is not good forever ones hair. Especially people who's hair gets oily quick.
My hair is the same way don't use conditioner for a while[or put a little on the ends . My hair specialist recommended Garnier Fructus or Head and Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo.....DO NOT use Herbal Essense it makes your hair VERY oily
dandruff shampoo
Garnier Fructis or Head %26amp; Shoulders... the only ones i can vouch for... i hope it helps
Pert Plus
Try the acai herbel essences shampoo. It works great it's 2 in 1. My hairs the same way. It works wonders! Good luck I hope I helped!
Lik every girl in the world use head and sholders....FOr every type of hair!
It's better to use a separate shampoo and conditioner, use a shampoo for oliy hair and only put conditioner on the mids to ends.
If you have thin hair that normally gets oily, then I wouldn't use a conditioner at all. The conditioner will just flatten your hair more giving it an even less full look. Use a volumizing shampoo only like Pantine's volumizing shampoo, and stay away from conditioners.
Try sumthing which adds volume like sunsilk shampoos , and for oily hair try head and shoulders .
well, ive always loved pantene its really good. but i would have to say that 2 in 1s are deffinetely not the way to go. you should use pantene shampoo in conditioner. it may take more time (like 2 more minutes then using 2 in one) but the results are SO much better.

hope i helped,

take it from me i hav realy thick hair you can use any hair prouduct just make sure to get all of the condishoner out of your hair and play with your hair .

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